Thursday, 8 June 2017

Linguistic Pendulum: The Emergency Call of Clair Shelswell

The Linguistic Pendulum

Each person has a personal dictionary of their own, with on average of 20,000 words or more. At any time when they are asked to report "what happened", they must go into this dictionary and choose

What information to present and what not to
What words to use
What verb tenses to use
Where to place each word next to another in order to make sense
What order of information to show priority.

All this takes place in the brain in less than a blink of an eye.

This is where Statement Analysis detects deception at or near 100% accuracy. and how professional training helps professionals in communication.

The words chosen will reveal the person's background, experiences, priorities, and personality traits.

This is how we can identify anonymous authors in advanced analysis.

Here, we see two powerful elements present at once:

The personal creative instinct of motherhood, and the professionally trained nurse, working in balance as a Linguistic Pendulum.

Context: Extreme Duress.

Some will attempt to excuse the guilty by saying, "you don't know how you'd react under such and such circumstances." This is to ignore the body of work done for many decades to the contrary.

Whether it be reporting a missing child or a murder, when the subject speaks there is an expectation by the subject of being understood. This is communication.

Every so often I am asked to post an example of truthful statements.

Here is an emergency call (911 in the United States).

In emergency calls, there is no special classification for analysis. It is simply a different context that is noted.

Here is an example of an innocent caller; yet we see characteristics that can mimic guilty callers. This is why context is important. The caller is a medical professional and mother who is giving immediate help, and is asking for help, to help the victim.

Emergency (911) Calls are not unique to themselves for the purpose of Statement Analysis. The "expected versus the unexpected" is applied in these calls, just as in all statements, emails, texts, and other forms of communication (including in Discourse Analysis).

In Statement Analysis, innocence (de facto, not judicial) is presupposed as a tool of detecting deception.

This is call the "expected" in analysis. When we find something other than the expected, we are confronted with "the unexpected" for analysis.

In an emergency call, we expect things such as:

Urgency, no time for small talk, or pleasantries, polite introductions, etc. All of these take time away from urgency.

We expect the caller to ask for help for the victim, not for self, unless the caller is administering first aid.

We are on alert to note that some guilty callers are "truthful" in this regard: they are the ones in need of help, and it enters their vocabulary.

We note order and emphasis as to priority with the expectation that the priority is help for the victim.

If one is reporting their child kidnapped, for example, it will be the priority of:

1. The child
2. The kidinapping of the child.

"We have a kidnapping" puts the emphasis upon the caller (and others) and when this is stated to police, we note the Ingratiating Factor immediately: The caller has a need to align herself with authority, rather than focus upon the victim.

Please see the emergency 911 call of Patsy Ramsey reporting her daughter, Jonbenet, "kidnapped."

"I'm sorry"

The words "I'm sorry"sometimes enter the language of those with actual guilt, and we flag them under any usage. See Casey Anthony using this to stall for time to think. Not only is stalling on an emergency call, but we note the wording, "I'm sorry" as the choice of wording.

In child murders, a guilty caller may place blame upon the victim, including, "she wouldn't stop crying" or "well, you know teenagers..."
It is found to be subtle.

In this case, a step father just slashed the throat of his 5 year old step child. The mother had just come in and she is trained as a nurse. This context is crucial: The nurse is attempting to save the child's life. It is, therefore, expected that a medical professional will ask for help for herself, as she seeks to save the victim's life.

This is difficult to read.

The mother's desperation shows her efforts, as well as her instincts and priority.

Question for Analysis:

Does the mother show guilty knowledge of the crime?

Answer: The mother does not show guilty knowledge of the assault. We often see guilty indicators in examples, and I have been asked to post one in which the caller is innocent of the homicide.

The victim is a 5 year old, Clare Shelswell, who's stepfather, Peter James Wilson, slit her throat to "discipline" her.

It is horrific reading.

Here you will see that an educated woman, who likely has an inner personal vocabulary in excess of 30,000 words, is under extreme duress. In play is both maternal instinct and medical training. In less than a microsecond of time, her brain, in spite of the elevation of hormones, including the "fight or flight" hormone, the brain still processes the words for the purpose of being understood.

In communication, there is a presupposition of being understood.

911 operator: What’s going on ma’am?

Wilson (screaming): Oh my God, my baby, you need to send an ambulance right now

There is no delay as the subject begins with the demand for an ambulance (medical) first.

She calls upon Deity, not as a witness to her words (signal of deception) but of desperation.

She takes immediate ownership of the victim personally, with "my" and "baby."

This is a linguistic signal of maternal instinct.

Then, she does not request an ambulance, but demands it with "you need" as her choice of wording.

Note the priority of the call is where she has chosen to begin her statement.

There is no pause, no introduction, no politeness, nor even "um" or "er", to think of what words to use. In a sense, the legal term, "excited utterance" is used to describe this rapid process where the brain chooses words so very quickly to communicate.

911 operator: You need to tell me what’s happening and calm down

This rebuke is appropriate in context. The caller did not begin with "Good morning" or "Hello" (see Tiffany Hartley)

The operator should have the address via the call, and now, in order to gain information for the victim, she firmly tells the caller to calm down.

Wilson: My daughter’s throat has just been cut. I need you to come right now! I can’t stop the bleeding.

Note the linguistic disposition towards the victim.
First, she was "my baby" and now she is "my daughter."

What has changed?

A change in language represents a change in reality. A "car" does not become an "auto" or "vehicle" by itself. Something within the brain recognizes that reality has been altered.

Question: What changed her "baby" into her "daughter"?
Answer: The charge from the operator on being both calm and facilitation of the flow of information for the victim.

The caller has heard the communication from the operator.

Passivity noted: "has just been cut" rather than who cut it.


We seek an answer as we go along in the analysis.

A. Is it that she wishes to conceal the identity? This would suggest possible guilty knowledge.

B. Does she not know who cut the throat of her "baby" and "daughter"?

C. Or, is it due to the priority of the actual throat bleeding?

In her statement she says that she cannot stop the bleeding. This indicates that at this moment, justice is not a priority, but saving the life of her daughter is.

Here we have the caller asking for help, specifically, but it is not a red flag because the caller is specifically seeking help to help the victim.

Follow the pronouns: "my baby" is now "my daughter" while the throat is cut. Note the ownership of both. Note the maternal instinct of the former with an awareness of the blood and the need to stop its flow, in the latter.

911 operator: OK, what’s the address?

Generally, the address is known. It is asked for to confirm, yet in vacation homes and rural areas, it can be an issue.

Wilson: I don’t know… by Cushman Lake.

911 operator: North, south of Seattle Lake?

Wilson: I don’t know! I don’t know where!

We will learn why, shortly, she did not know the answer.

911 operator: Ma’am, you need to calm down and give me an address, or we can’t come.

This is a verbal signal that the location did not come up on the screen for the operator. She literally threatens the caller, which is to be seen in context, "you need to calm down." The operator is doing a very good job of trying to downgrade the hysteric (maternal instinct) and appeal to reason. We do not have the audio here (nor do we need it in Statement Analysis, as voice inflection is often claimed by experts after the fact).

Wilson: North Cushman Lake- she’s bleeding so much, I can’t stop it. Oh, my God! Oh, my God…Oh my God, my baby.”

Note the priority of the call is the bleeding. This confirms the analysis of the passivity used above.
Deity is invoked but again, not as testimony Witness.

I believe that the use of "my baby" here reveals the mother's worst fears.

911 operator: Keep pressure on that cut now, keep pressure on it, please.

Wilson: “I can’t stop it, please, you have to come right now.”

Note the pronouns. Here it is strong: "I" can't stop the bleeding. "You have to come right now" is the urgency (priority) of the call.

Note the centrality of this statement: the caller herself. The focus is on the caller. She indicates the priority here is on her to stop the blood. This is appropriately focusing on the priority. She is responsible (in her language) rather than the perpetrator.

911 operator: “Ma’am, we’re getting people en route right now, OK? … Hang on. We’re dispatching the fire department right now.”

Wilson: (panting) “You have to come now, please.”

The use of "please" is now polite and it follows the change from "daughter" to "baby"; suggesting desperation. The caller recognizes that her daughter, of whom she gave birth to ("baby") and/or bonded with, once entered the world, and is now, possibly, departing.

This is the struggle of acceptance in its most primitive form:

The begging of a mother to save the life of her child shows her own weakness and inability to save her. Hence, the call to God.

The mother recognizes that she cannot save the child's life on her own and must have help. Even under duress, she keeps her wits about her. She is on high hormonal alert and her words reveal her.

This call is all about her.

This is appropriately all about her, as she recognizes that she can only delay death until the others arrive. Her change from "daughter" to "baby" is likely influenced by her medical training. We will now see the training instincts against the maternal.

911 operator: “Ma’am, they are. Please keep pressure on that wound. Don’t take anything off of it.”

Wilson: ( crying) “You have to come now, please. Oh, my God, please. I don’t think she’s breathing…Please, please, please….

Here the caller focuses upon the breathing, in the negative (rule of the negative) elevating importance in the sentence.

Wilson (panting): Please, please, please, God….

Begging Divinity to intervene.

911 operator: How’s she doing ma’am?

Wilson: She’s barely breathing, she’s barely breathing.

Sensitivity seen via repetition. That she is "barely" breathing is of extreme sensitivity to the caller. "She" is neither "baby" nor "daughter" which suggests the balance of a linguistic pendulum between mother and professional has tipped towards professional. It is expected to tip back and forth.

For an extreme example of a pendulum that did not show any balance, see the emergency 911 call made by Police Chief William McCollum when he shot his wife, Maggie.

911 operator: Ok get her on the floor, on her back

The victim is not "baby" nor "daughter" as professional is in action:

Wilson: She is on her back, but I’ve got her head up, the cut is on her throat…you have to hurry up please, you need to come now

Note the importance of the words that follow "but";
Note articles are instinctive. It is not "a" cut, but it is "the" cut that is draining away the life from her daughter.

The victim's body posture is the language of the professional
Constant begging is the expected by a mother.

The linguistic pendulum balances. The more we see "mother", the less hope. The more we see "professional", the more possibility of survival. It is as if the caller is two people:

professional is one;
mother is another.

Please take careful note of this in the McCollum case where this balance is expected.

911 operator: They are on their way ma’am, I dispatched them out.

Wilson: You need to send the police too

The urgency has precluded a further explanation at this time. The concentration has been upon the victim. The victim is the first priority, but she still is able to maintain focus upon the secondary issue: there is a murderer present.

This harrowing statement shows the presence of mind, even under the most crucial moment in her life. It may be not only justice, but she may even have concern for first responders.

911 operator: They are getting there ma’am

The mother immediately turns back to her priority, even if it is not the priority of the 911 operator, who now must see to it that the EMT workers are safe.

Wilson: She’s breathing but it’s really, really ragged and infrequent

"But" is a word that is used in comparison, or even in rebuttal. That she is breathing is now weighed, in comparison to health: the breathing is not just ragged, but "really" ragged and "infrequent."

The professional is trying to maintain herself.

911 operator: Is she changing color?

Wilson: She’s really pale, I’m cradling her

Now the professional (nurse) has her laying properly in position, head up, while the 'mother' "cradles" her.

911 operator: Ok I want you to keep pressure on that wound, whatever you do, don’t take the rag off, if it gets soaked through, put another on top of that…

Wilson: Ok I started on that

911 operator: Ok keep doing that, we have people en route now..either monitor her breathing very closely, if she stops breathing I need to know right away…is she conscious and alert?

Wilson: No she is unconscious, not alert of anything. Respiratory rate is 4 to 6 a minute

This is the language of medical expertise. The subject is mother and now professional, but in both suits, she is seeking to save her baby and her daughter. This is the priority.

Note she has no need to explain why she uses this language.

This confirms what we have seen repeatedly: her priority.

911 operator: Does anyone there know CPR in case she stops breathing?

Wilson: I’m a nurse but the gash on her throat is so big there’s no way it would work. I don’t know if its is under control

She identifies herself as a nurse, but without pre-thought, negates, via comparison, her own status with the word "but", indicating that she is not flattered, nor proud, nor defensive, but trying to save the victim.

Question: Why is this important?

Answer: It reveals priority.

Each interview (statement, phone call, etc) will show priority.

Those who's priority is the victim will linguistically identify it even under the worst circumstances.


See the interviews with the McCanns regarding the disappearance of their daughter, Madeleine, and note the priority was never, in any interview, the recovery of the victim.

911 operator: “How did this happen?”

Wilson: “My husband took a knife to her throat.”

Talking with police, she does not use the complete social introduction.
Note "took a knife to her throat" is not "my husband cut her throat."

We see the pendulum shift with "my husband" (personal) and minimization of "to her throat" as the natural reluctance and resistance to any final outcome. This is a battle within her mind, due to the powerful, God given instinct of motherhood. This theme has been recognized since antiquity. When a man dresses as a woman and even goes through surgical mutilation and politicians declare him a "civil right"; it remains an insult to women. This powerful nature is addressed even in the comparison where a "bear robbed of its whelps" is seen as a powerful and dangerous source to be reckoned with. Political Correctness does not negate human nature and the defense of the same is to combine deception and absurdity with moral superiority. This is why it leads to such powerful disruption within society and to violent protests.

911 operator: “Your husb- purposely?”

Shock to the operator

Wilson: “Yes.”

Note no further explanation. The focus is saving her daughter's life. After uttering such terrible odds, the mother continues her focus upon her child, who's life is slipping from her.

911 operator: “We need law enforcement on that call. Where is he now?”

The caller already stated the need for law enforcement.

Wilson: “He’s here, but he’s away from her. This is what I said you need to send police too…I haven’t really examined the wound, she’s still breathing…hang in there baby, hang in there.

Her own life, at this moment, is not precious to her. "He's here" is refuted with the word "but" and the mother states he is not near the child.

Even here, the mother is thinking of the child's safety, above her own.

She is her "baby" again. She gives words of encouragement to her "baby" as maternal instinct turns towards the victim.

911 operator: What’s going on with her right now?

The linguistic pendulum reveals her background and experiences as seen in her language. She is asked a vague question but gives a detailed response:

Wilson: Her respiratory rate seems to have improved a little bit. She’s still pale, but conforming with the rest of the colour of her body

911 operator: What did you say her respiration was?

Wilson: Approximately 8 a minute now.

Her professional training stands strong. This is where the rehearsals of the brain, over years, shows how even instinct can be subordinated, if even temporarily, with training. She is now Professional nurse again.

This is what the military does. In the natural inclination to run from danger, constant rehearsal of the brain can mitigate with success, the instinct to flee.

It is what we do in incessant Statement Analysis training to quicken the mind to listen to the words chosen, overcoming the dulled listening that we use to survive.

911 operator: “Does he still have the weapon, ma’am?”

Wilson: “No, he does not.”

very firm. She feels no need to discuss this further as her priority at this time is the victim. She is, like the mother bear robbed of her whelps, fearless.

Whatever her countenance is at this point, I believe her husband likely feared going near her.

911 operator: “OK, where is the weapon?”

Wilson: “It’s on the floor in the kitchen – where I am, not where he is.”

She does not fear him; she fears losing her baby.

911 operator: “OK, where is he in the house?”

Wilson: “He’s sitting in the next room, but he’s pretty docile right now.”

body posture and location noted. She has her wits due to adrenaline.
She recognizes the importance of his body posture (tension related) and uses the word "docile" and the element of time (right now) which tells us he has not been "docile" before.

911 operator: “OK, why is he so docile?”

Wilson: “Probably because he’s in shock over what he just did.”

The lack of words shows an almost indifference towards him. This might suggest possible guilty knowledge had it not been for her language revealing her priority.

Linguistic disposition towards him is neutral. This is likely to change but while the child is still alive, the linguistic focus is upon the child.

911 operator: how’s she doing now?

Wilson: Breathing is becoming faster, but definitely more shallow. You need to move right now.

911 operator: They are ma’am

Wilson: ETA?

The anxiety included, her priority and focus continues to be on help for the victim's life.

Wilson: I can’t give you an ETA, ma’am. Stand by.

Wilson talking to another person in the room (“Is she breathing? Yeah. Can you see the wound..can somebody stay out front, get Arthur out front?)

911 operator: Ok ma’am, is there someone there with you?

911 operator: Is there any way they can get him out of the house

Wilson; Probably, why?

The indifference (linguistic disposition) is identified through context. The caller does not want to take any time or attention away from the victim. Note how time (element) enters her answer.

911 operator: Because we don’t need him the house

Wilson: Ok, the only complication with that is if we do that there might be a second

911 operator: If you don’t think that’s safe to try and get him out of the house I don’t want you to do that, i’m just giving you some ideas.

Wilson: “She is not breathing.”

The caller has no concern about her own safety and does not care to follow "ideas" for her safety as she cares for nothing but the victim. This is a typical mother reaction, more than professional.

911 operator: “OK, then you’re going to get her some air then. Is there anybody else there who can hold that bandage on while you tilt the head back and give her CPR?”

Wilson: “Yeah, but I’m going to have to keep the phone down.”

911 operator: “OK, just keep it as close to you as you can, and let me know what’s going on.”

Here is where it seems that another woman is now talking on the phone with the 911 operator while the mother is helping the child. Unknown female is talking while mother attends victim.

Unknown: It does not look like she’s breathing

911 operator: So dad is in the other room?

Interesting that the operator called him "dad"

Unknown: Yeah…the air is just coming right through her throat

911 operator: ok, stand by, I will talk to my unit

Wilson (in background): Oh my God, they have to hurry now!

911 operator: What happened when you tried to attempt CPR?

It sounds like the air is going right through her throat…I can’t feel her chest rising
(crying in the background)

Wilson (in the background): Nothing is getting into her chest when I breathe through her mouth, it’s all exiting in the gash in her throat! She is not breathing, she is not breathing, hurry up! Goddamnit! You have to hurry!

Cursing, like all impoliteness is expected. This is the opposite of Ingratiation. Please note that Ingratiation well after a case has begun, is to be taken in context.

Guilty parties who have not been believed by police will go on the attack. This is the norm of liars in general. We use the Ingratiating Factor early on within analysis of statements.

911 operator: Ma’am we are getting there as fast as we can, please try to get some air into her. Is there someone helping you?
Continue with the CPR, Sarah

911 operator: Can you feel a pulse, a heartbeat, anything?

Wilson (in the background): Her chest is not rising at all, the gash in her throat is too big, they have to hurry up!

911 operator: They are coming as fast as they can

Wilson (in the background): Give me another rag, oh my God, my baby..

The mother is losing hope as she is now "my baby" as she calls upon God.

911 operator: Are you guys the owner of the property?

Unknown: No we’re renting the cabin for the weekend

Which is why she did not have the address.

911 operator: What started this tonight?

Unknown: I don’t even know, I was gone, I just got back here

Wilson (in the background): Please, they have to hurry!

911 operator: Ma’am do you feel comfortable moving her out of the house at all?

Unknown: I don’t think that’s a good idea

Even as non-mother, her concern is for the victim and not for herself. The operator is appropriately concerned about this woman's safety.

Wilson (in the background): There’s no difference, she’s dying!

911 operator: Is the dad still in the house?
Unknown: Yes

911 operator: What is he doing?
Unknown Sitting on the floor
911 operator: Is her alert at all?

Wilson (in the background): It’s not him, you need to get the ambulance here for her!

Note the focus of her concern is for her daughter. For her husband, she wants police but for the victim, an ambulance. The subject (Wilson) no longer shows linguistic belief in her ability to save the victim.

911 Operator: Ma’am.


911 operator: Can you get her outside? If you can get her outside away from dad, we have a better chance of aid coming in without law enforcement

That’s not important, that’s not relevant

911 operator: Ma’am can you get her outside?

There’s no point in that

911 operator: Why is that?

He’s not doing anything, he’s just sitting on the floor

Here, this subject (Unknown) is zoned so much upon the victim that she has fearlessness towards the killer.

Wilson (in the background): Where are the paramedics?

911 operator: I can’t make my units come in without law enforcement being there

The operator must care for the lives of EMT staff. This is about the worst thing either fearless woman could hear from the operator.

There’s nobody here

911 operator: We need to do something to try and save her
If he leaves, can you come in?

911 operator: Yes

{Speaking to dad): Can you leave? (To operator): He’s leaving

Why did she ask, and not order him out? This may have been wisdom in action: do not poke a dangerous animal.

911 operator: Tell him to get as far as he can but stay in the area
(She repeats the instruction)}

911 operator: Is there vehicle he can go sit in? Is he out of the house?

911 operator: Someone needs to tell me where dad went now

still concerned for the lives of staff

He went to other side of property, he’s sitting outside

911 operator: How far away?

Unknown: He’s literally non-coherent

The intelligence of the other woman is evident. She may also have professional training/education.

911 operator: I know, please answer my question. How far away from the house is he?

The next lot over…
Ok listen to me she has not been breathing for approximately 10 minutes at this point, if the paramedics don’t get there stat she is not going to survive. How far out are they?

She answers the question, but then demands attention with "Ok, listen to me" and brings back the priority of the call

911 operator: I’ve advised paramedics Dad is out of the house. Does he have any weapons on him?

No he has nothing.

911 operator: Ok, stand by…What’s going on with her now?

Unknown: She’s dead. We’re doing cpr but she’s effectively dead unless they’re here now.

The non-mother uses the word "dead" here. This would be very difficult for the mother to say.

911 operator: Are you there ma’am?


911 operator: Are you doing CPR and chest compressions?

Unknown: She’s just doing CPR can’t do chest compressions while she’s doing CPR
Wilson (in the background): How far out are they?!

911 operator: Can you give me description of male?

Unknown: 5’8”, 250 pounds, brown hair, shorts and a polo shirt, I can’t tell from here, I really wasn’t paying attention

911 Operator: You were not there when this started?

Unknown: I was not there, no one witnessed it

Note that by "no one" it would exclude the victim. This is a strange statement except that the victim is dead. It shows that the unknown woman is now thinking of justice. We have already seen her anger with the delay.

911 operator: Is the Dad still on the other property?

Wilson (in the background): We can deal with legal ratifications later! Can we please not have this be about a homicide

Appropriate impatience and even anger. This is the opposite of The Ingratiating Factor. The subject (mother) does not care about how she is viewed, nor what happens to the perpetrator because her sole priority is saving her daughter's life.

The caller is a nurse here, in professional mode. Her priority is her daughter; nothing more. She cares not for the legal ramifications.

Sarah, the mom, is doing CPR

911 operator: How many people are in the house?

Unknown: Two of us, Clare and two people upstairs

Although a guess here based upon experience, I believe the unknown woman likely had emotional closeness with the victim.

911 operator: What are the people upstairs doing?

Unknown: There’s another daughter, she is upstairs with my sister-in-law, trying to keep her away from this scene

911 Operator: how old is the daughter?

Clare is 5, maybe 6

911 operator: Is that the one with injury?

Yes..(says to Dad): They want you to stay where you are

911 operator: How old is victim?

Clare is 5

Note "is" present tense from the Unknown. Even with her original statement, the element of denial is present. This affirms my guess about some emotional closeness with the victim.

911 operator: Who’s there, ma’am?
The paramedics and police
(Sobbing in the background)
911 Operator: Alright ma’am, i’m going to let you go now

Analysis Conclusion:

This horrible murder teaches us much about Statement Analysis and what maternal instincts look like.

Please use this as a reference point in viewing other cases involving mothers, including McCann, Misty Croslin (step), Baby Sabrina, Baby Lisa, Casey Anthony, and so on.

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By Peter Hyatt